Tego Tea

FAQs with Tego Tea

  • Where did Tego come from?

    The original tea formula from which Tego is made has been used for centuries by the Native Americans.  Passed down from generations, the precise blend was thought to have been lost until recently rediscovered in the journals of our family history.  We now offer Tego to all. This is a true Native American Holistic product.

  • How does Tego taste?

    Tego has a slightly bitter taste but gets better over time.

  • Can I take Tego with my medication?

    Yes, it has shown no drug interactions to date.

  • How long should I take Tego?

    The average Tego drinker consumes Tego for about a year but most people see positive results within days.

  • Are there side effects?

    Yes, increased circulation, and oxygenation of the blood.  Tego has also been known to help with regard to problems associated with erectile dysfunction. So side effects are on the positive side.

  • Should I stop taking my medications?

    Many Tego drinkers have decreased their medication over time, or completely discontinued taking their medication after drinking Tego.  We strongly recommend that you consult your physician before making any adjustments to, or discontinuing, your medication regimen.

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