It’s just tea, what could it be good for?
Well, come to find out that herbal tea has had a major impact on the world. Various teas have been used in ancient civilizations for centuries to combat illness. Hibiscus tea was used in ancient Egypt as an overall medicinal tea and was even mentioned in the Ebers Papyrus medical papers of 1550 BC. It was the go-to medicine of the ancient world. In Greece, chamomile tea was a staple in every household for its calming properties while sage tea was utilized primarily for its medicinal properties. It has long been known that botanicals play a key role in the way we live and how we heal. Steeping tea releases the natural compounds that are needed to heal the body. This was recognized by the ancients and the various recipes were passed down through history.
The knowledge of tea did not stop in the ancient world though. The Americas were also akin to the benefits of teas. Native Americans from North America had proven teas that are still utilized today. The Abenaki tribe had a plethora of tea blends that were the basis of current medicines. Teas are utilized to help alleviate various conditions from the common cold to Arthritis. Tego Tea has taken up the mantel of the ways of our ancient ancestors and brought some of the old ways to the modern world. The tea blends in their truest form, are making an impact on the way we understand our past.
The current medications available to the public have a long history steeped in the way we treat illnesses of today. Every medication that is prescribed by physicians originated as a primitive botanical that was utilized by the ancient world. Diseases that we are just starting to understand were originally treated by civilizations and the understanding was lost to antiquity. Diabetes for instance, was first recognized by the individual acting strangely, and the individual would be forced to urinate in a rock depression. Ants would be placed in the urine and if they remained, the individual would be given a tea blend to help the situation. What we now understand is that the reason for the ants being placed in the urine would be that the insects would detect sugar. This would indicate that the individual was not processing sugar properly, making this the first form of a Diabetic test. The tea would then be given to rectify the condition. Tribes of the North also had various teas to rectify joint pain. As individuals would get older, Arthritis would become a factor in everyday life. In order to live a rich, pain free life, teas were given that we now know would reduce inflammation. This would help the individual and lessen the discomfort they would be suffering.
The medications of the past were taken and synthesized in a laboratory not only to make all dosages uniform, but to also reap the profits associated with such. Natural teas could not be patented like the “pills” of today could. The profits associated with the current medications are very evident in the growing pharmaceutical market. Billions of dollars are made annually on the foundations of the old “teas” of the past. The only difference in the old ways, compared to the new way is the vast amount of side effects and complications that follow. The teas of yesterday are in the purest state and are directly related to the proven ways of the past. So, the next time you think of how your grandmother would provide you with a cup of tea when you were feeling under the weather, just remember that it’s just tea. How good could it actually be?